Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Financial Goals for 2016

While I mentioned in my 2016 goals that I have the same financial goals as last year, I decided to make a separate post about it because it's nice to go back to it by year-end and check whether I was able to make it or not. Besides, it adds a little more pressure in meeting your goals when it's out there for the world to see. 

And so, here it is, basing it from my budget file for 2016.
  1. Religiously pay SK-LU. 5 months to go! Excited to mark this as completed!
  2. Save 50k for processing of papers for SK-LU. After completing the payment in June, I'll have the same budget reallocated to this.
  3. Religiously pay SK-Silang. 2 years to go.
  4. Save 50k for lot processing of SK-Bgo. 
  5. Save 35k for CR of SK-Bgo
  6. Increase EIP allocation to 3k/month
  7. Increase MF to 20k (carry over from previous years)
  8. Add 20k-30k to COL 
  9. Save 80k for Project BD (new in my budget file)
  10. Religiously save 3k/month for niece's tuition
  11. Set aside a Tulong fund
  12. Continue saving for an international travel
  13. Set aside 10k for December 2016
I tend to use codes for my financial goals for some level of privacy still. Feel free to email me if you are curious about those hehe. 

I already have 4 months parked for my safety fund. I originally planned for 6 months because of my parents, but since they both are now with Papa God, I'll stop at 4 for now. I'll add when excess funds become available.

No room for luho. Push lang. And just to stay focused, I'll now have quarterly reviews.

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