Thursday, January 24, 2008

Objective vs. Subjective statements

What’s the difference between the two?

Subjective is reported that you cannot observe. I tell you that I have pain that is 8 on a 1-10 scale. Can you observe my pain? No, you can observe my response to the pain, but not my pain.

Your subjective statement here would be: Patient reports pain in lower left quadrant of 8 out of 10.

Objective is something that you can see/observe. While you cannot see my pain, you can observe my responses: moaning, crying, grimacing, contorting, etc...

Your objective statement here is patient reports pain in lower left quadrant of 8 out of 10. Patient is tearful during and moaning during repositioning. Additionally, patient guards this area upon examination and grimaces.


Anyway, I just wish I did some practice with those statements before attacking the evaluations for my subordinates. It might have helped a bit. I did not know until now how challenging it is to construct statements that are objective (as advised by HR) not subjective.

On other things, the tool that I’m using is taking oh so very, very, very long to load and I am getting errors for the past 30 minutes. Want proof? I’m doing this while waiting for the form to load! I am already pressured since the director will be checking these tomorrow, and that he might be passing by our area anytime today. Hayz. I have 6 PMPs to do (wherein 1 profile is missing as it’s not yet fixed by HR). Unfortunately, I cannot find the first PMP I encoded so I have to redo it again. The system is acting up. It sucks. On top of that, I’m not yet done with my own PMP. Ngrsh!

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